Yoder Family Farms Yoder Family Farms
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About Us


Welcome to our family’s farm!
We have been blessed with an amazing family and we are excited to share this part of our lives with you. As long as we can remember, raising pigs has been a part of our lives and played a significant role in how we grew up. We are thankful that God has blessed us with the opportunity to raise our family the same way; raising pigs on the family farm. Our farm is just as much about instilling the core values of working on our family farm in our three young sons as it is about producing high quality Duroc pork.

Thank you for visiting our website and learning about our family and farm. We look forward to providing you with the highest quality Duroc pork.

Chad, Tiffany, Luke, Owen, and Adam Yoder





Yoder Family Farms Chad and Tiffany Yoder
Web Design by Novel Designs Novel Designs Featured on Thepigplanet.com